Most Christians believe the Bible teaches the doctrine of the Trinity, that God is one God and yet exists as three distinct, co-equal Persons – Father, Son, and Spirit. This post is from that point of view.
The infinitely complex doctrine of the Trinity will never be fully comprehended by finite minds, but even preschoolers can begin to learn that God is one God and yet He exists as Father, Son and Spirit. He is one and yet three; three and yet one.
Many object lessons have been offered to assist our thinking about this doctrine. There is the classic water/ice/steam illustration, and, of course, Saint Patrick’s shamrock. All object lessons have their point of deterioration, but these and others have helped many, and it is not my intent to quarrel with them. That said, the results from my class encourage me to share a little different approach to introducing children to the attribute of God we call the Trinity.
Rather than speak of things God is “like” – i.e., “In a way, God is like water, ice and steam.” – we have instead looked for glimpses of the pattern of “one-yet-three, three-yet-one” with a little different goal. We are looking for “bread crumbs” God has placed in our everyday lives, evidences leading us to stronger faith in His Word on this subject, without comparing Him directly to any example.
All of us routinely accept the “one-yet-three, three-yet-one” pattern without realizing it. Think of a three-layer cake. We say we made or bought a cake, not three cakes, and yet it is three cakes. Again, to be strongly emphasized, every time we use any object like this we review that we are not saying God “is” anything but Himself. God is defined by His complete un-likeness from every other thing, living or material, but in His kindness, He has chosen to reveal Himself to us even in the mundane, in things like bread and doors and vines. And cake! Something as ordinary as a three-layer cake displaying the property of “one-yet-three, three-yet-one” on a level we can grasp encourages us to believe the Bible when it tells us God exists in this pattern in a way too big for us to understand.
In our classroom, we have a tray full of examples of concrete items that fit the 1=3=1=3… criteria. We always ask, “Is it one? Is it three? Is it both?” The tray holds items such as a necklace of three identical strands, a toy traffic signal, a piece of (vinyl) 3-layer cake, a ring made up of three interlocking rings, a three-strand braided bookmark, and a 3-layer kitchen sponge. One of my favorite items is a banana – vinyl for our display, but demonstrated with a real one! Peel a banana. Now, very carefully, apply a little pressure and at the same time wiggle it apart. The banana should separate lengthwise into three equal wedges, each the length of the whole fruit. Is it one? Is it three? Is it both?
The key, again, is that God has given us evidences of a pattern of “one-yet-three, three-yet-one” that we can see and understand. Our experience of these items as common suggests it is the degree to which God exists as three and yet one, rather than the quality of three-yet-one, that is beyond us.
A common party game helps us review and encourages the children to look for their own examples of “one-yet-three, three-yet-one” in their everyday world. When we first played the game, they were given a minute or two to look at the tray of items. Then we covered it with a cloth and tried to name as many as we could remember. The children are so skilled at this game now that we start with the tray covered and go from there!
A few weeks after we began our focus on the Trinity and our intentional observation of everyday items with a “one-yet-three, three-yet-one” quality, one little boy came to me with his own example. He had gotten a new coat that could be worn three ways. He was excited to tell me his new coat reminded him that God is Father, Son, and Spirit and yet only one God.